Our bricks are made from some of the world's most abundant resources and mined in a way that is gentle to the earth. They endure longer than virtually any other siding material and are completely recyclable. Our bricks provide the depth and strength to weather heat, cold, water and wind, resulting in year round protection and energy savings. In fact, brick homes have an average energy savings of 5% per year compared to homes with other siding.
While our bricks are virtually maintenance free, they are also inert and more moisture resistant that any other siding material. That means our bricks prevent moisture from traveling from a building exterior to its interior, and they cannot be compromised by mold, rot bacteria or termites. Brick is also fireproof and more soundproof than other siding. With all of these advantages, why would you choose any other siding material?

The Group is recently involved with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in reducing energy consumption by creating appropriate infrastructure for sustained adoption of new and improved technologies for production and use of resource efficient bricks in India.
To read the case study of Bharat Bricks visit www. click on Case Studies

Office of International and Tribal Affairs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has taken up the project to identify and evaluate low cost and high-impact opportunities to reduce black carbon emissions is South Aisa. To assist them, Bharat Bricks is helping them by producing resource-efficient bricks, including hollow bricks, on a large scale.